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Since 1995, Finsoft has served our customers proudly through a variety of services. Our competencies can be categorized broadly into three service areas -

Business Process Outsourcing / Project Services


To enable clients to achieve their strategic business objectives, Finsoft designs and develops flexible, scalable software solutions, using a proven methodology, detailed processes and industry-standard development techniques and tools. Leading-edge applications can be designed, implemented and re-engineered for mainframe, client/server and Internet environments. Finsoft has been continuously building expertise in Web Services using .NET and Java Technologies to apply to Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), Business to Business Integration (B2Bi) and Business Process Management (BPM).


Packaged Systems Implementation Services


The complexity of implementing and managing packaged application software is forcing technology departments of large to mid-sized companies to devote a significant portion of their IT budgets and manpower to these projects. Finsoft helps relieve the drain on our client’s technology resources by providing different services tailored to the customer’s needs in implementing packaged software solutions. . These services are deployed through different service delivery models; either by providing dedicated onsite specialists or by using an onsite/offshore delivery model. Our Packaged software implementation services are delivered by highly trained and experienced consultants, our results-driven capabilities enable customers to control and predict costs, while optimizing investments in Systems. We understand our customer’s business objectives and can effectively manage the implementation & deliver solutions tailored specifically to their needs, primarily in the areas of SAP and Filenet technologies.


Technology Consulting


Finsoft maintains its high standards of performance by aggressively recruiting and developing the highest level of talent in the US and in India. Our consultants add value by assessing the customer’s needs, understanding the business process and working with the clients to develop efficient and cost-effective technology consulting. This ability to align technical knowledge with business strategy is a result of years of accomplished experience in the field. Finsoft can also provide you with a proven vendor selection methodology (for products, services and human capital) to help you manage your technology sourcing.

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